Photo Booth Solutions June Chromecast Giveaway

Google Chromecast support has been added to Social Booth, Photo Booth Connected, BYO Booth and Sketch Booth!
This means you can now stream a real time slideshow of photos and Animated GIFs from any PBS product to a TV with a Chromecast device attached without any additional software. This $35 device allows you to have:
- Wifi slideshows from your photo booth with Social Booth without the need for a second PC
- Remote Instagram hash tag slideshows with BYO Booth away from the print station
- Slideshows from your Social Media Kiosk running Photo Booth Connected
- Slideshows of TapSnap style photos with screen drawing and digital props from Sketch Booth
There's no extra software needed and there's zero configuration once you have the Chrome Browser and Chromecast Extension. Running an external slideshow has never been easier. You no longer need a 2nd pc and a separate program to display slideshows at your event!
In celebration of this great new feature as well as the release of Social Booth V2, Photo Booth Solutions is giving away 20 free Chromecasts during the month of June! There will be 5 winners each week, chosen from owners of each product, Social Booth, Phooto Booth Connected, BYO Booth, Sketch Booth & Guest Booth. If you already own one of these products, you are already entered in the giveaway. If you buy any of these products now through the end of June, you are also automatically entered in the giveaway. Winners will be chosen at random each Friday in the month of June. Good luck!